“I was fortunate to connect with Giuseppe at a crucial time as I had a last minute referral requesting to go to Italy the next month during high season. Availability was extremely limited, but they came through for me in a pinch. Laura is fantastic to work with – she has excellent response times and great attention to detail that makes my job easier. Needless to say we were able to close the sales in record time and the client had a wonderful experience. SIT Italy helped me impress this new referral who I’m proud to say is a new loyal client and became my go-to for all Italy requests. It’s great to work with such professionals that make you look like a rockstar to your clients!”

Head office: Via Osanna 41 - 89125 Reggio Calabria, Italy
VAT No., Tax Code and Reggio Calabria Business Registry Number: IT 3028930802
REA-RG 205378 - Sh. Capital: € 10.000 fully paid in
Sit-Italy © 2024 Concept & Develop by WinApp.it - A.D. Serena Ursolo